
The Lua for LabVIEW distribution is designed to be self-supporting by providing:

When the extent of the documentation appears daunting, start with the examples and consume the documentation on an as-needed basis. To accommodate such exploratory reading, the documentation is heavily laced with cross-references and links to further online information. When a conceptual or practical question arises that does not seem to be covered, have a look at the FAQ. The documentation is intended to be sufficiently comprehensive to describe and motivate all Lua for LabVIEW features and provide guidance with their use. When you run into a feature that is not properly explained or stumble across other documentation mistakes, please file a bug report.

A mailing list has been set up to serve as a discussion forum for LabVIEW programmers that use the Lua for LabVIEW toolkit. It can be used to share experiences or ask questions whose answers might be general interest. Also, announcements regarding the future of Lua for LabVIEW are posted there. 

Lua itself is endowed with a wealth of supporting resources. See for example the Lua home page, and the Lua users site. Beyond the Lua-specific support, discussions of scripting-related design patterns and strategies are applicable to Lua: though differing in syntactic detail, Lua offers the same spectrum of language features as provided by other modern scripting languages such as Python and Ruby.

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